- M. H. Han, J. H. Park, J. S. Yang, S. Y. Yoon, and J. K. Min, "Shape optimization of bellmouth to improve flow uniformity under non-aligned inflow condition in gas turbine casing," Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech., vol. 18, no. 1, p. 2400533, 2024.
- K. N. Chandran, Y. S. Jeong, R. S. Kumar, J. K. Min, and M. Y. Ha, "Drag reduction through boundary layer analysis on flow over bi-textured thin plates," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 219, p. 124861, 2024.
- K. N. Chandran, Y. S. Jeong, H. G. Kim, J. K. Min, and M. Y. Ha, "Investigation of the thermal exchange mechanism of PCM melting process in an LHTES with elliptic tube configurations inside a cylindrical shell," J. Energy Storage, vol. 76, p. 109838, 2024.
- J. S. Yang, J. K. Min, C. Yang, and K. Jung, "Numerical optimization study on the thermal management of planar sodium nickel chloride battery module," Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 123643, 2024.
- M.H. Han, J.S. Yang, J.S. Lee, and J.K. Min, “Numerical study on condensation heat transfer in vertical channel with hydrophilic-hydrophobic patterned surfaces,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 144, 106807, 2023.
- J.S. Yang, J.K. Min, C. Yang, and K. Jung, “Numerical studies of natural convection phenomena for a vertical cylinder with multiple lateral baffles in triangular and hexagonal enclosures,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 45, 102971, 2023.
- F.K. Kholi, S. Park, J.S. Yang, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A detailed review of pulsating heat pipe correlations and recent advances using artificial neural network for improved performance prediction,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 207, 124010, 2023.
- S. Pandey, H. Kallath, H.Y. Choi, T. Sibilli, J.K. Min, J. Chetwynd-Chatwin, M.Y. Ha, “Numerical study of the effect of flow nonuniformities on the low-pressure side of a Cooled Cooling Air heat exchanger,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 217. 119113, 2022.
- H.J. Son, J.S. Yang, J. Park, M.Y. Ha, H. Lee, S. Jung, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study on the condensation heat transfer and pressure drop in a vertical channel between flat plates with various wettability conditions and gap spacing,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 36, 102200, 2022.
- J.S. Yang, J.K. Min, C. Yang, and C. Jung, “Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer of vertical cylinder with multiple lateral baffles in square enclosure for sodium beta-alumina batteries,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 134, 106037, 2022.
- J. Park, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study on the effect of varying viscosity on the heat transfer inside pipes under low temperature conditions,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 36(3), pp. 1315-1328, 2022.
- F.K. Kholi, H. Kallath, A. Mucci, M.Y. Ha, J. Chatwynd-Chatwin, and J.K. Min, “Experimental study of effects of wicks and boundary conditions on thermal performance of heat pipes,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 36(1), pp. 417-432, 2022.
- F.K. Kholi, H. Kallath, A. Mucci, M.Y. Ha, J. Chatwynd-Chatwin, and J.K. Min, “Experimental study of the effect of geometrical length to diameter ratios and heater orientations on sintered-based heat pipes thermal behavior,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 129, 105734, 2021.
- F.K. Kholi, J. Park, K. Lee, M.Y. Ha, M. Klingsporn, J. Chatwynd-Chatwin, S.Y. Yoon, and J.K. Min, “Experimental and numerical analysis of the transient behavior of the oil de-congealing process in an aero fuel-cooled oil cooler under low-temperature conditions,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 143, 091027-1 - 091027-17, 2021.
- J.S. Lee, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “Numerical study on the mixed convection around inclined-pin fins on a heated plate in vertical channels with various bypass ratios,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 27, 101310-1 – 101310-16, 2021.
- A. Mucci, F.K. Kholi, T. Sibilli, J.K. Min, M.Y. Ha, and G.H. Cho, “Numerical analysis of secondary air flow in a rotating cavity of an gas-turbine at high operating points with vortex reducer implementation,” Heat and Mass Transfer, 57, 1363-1378, 2021.
- F.K. Kholi, H. Kallath, A. Mucci, M.Y. Ha, J. Chatwynd-Chatwin, and J.K. Min, “Experimental investigation of the effects of inclinations and wicks on the thermal behavior of heat pipes for improved thermal applications,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 26, 100997-1 – 100997-15, 2021.
- J.S. Lee, S.Y. Yoon, B. Kim, H. Lee, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A topology optimization based design of a liquid-cooled heat sink with cylindrical pin fins having varying pitch,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 172,121172-1 – 121172-18, 2021.
- H.J. Hwang, J. Park, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study on the flow control characteristics of a cavitating venturi with one- and two-stage diffusers,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35(4), pp. 1463-1472, 2021.
- H. Kallath, F.K. Kholi, Q. Jin, M.Y. Ha, S.H. Park, H. Kim, J. Chatwynd-Chatwin, and J.K. Min, “Numerical study of the flow uniformity inside the high-pressure side manifolds of a cooled cooling air heat exchanger,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 189, pp. 116645-1-116645-14, 2021.
- H. Kallath, F.K. Kholi, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A Multi-Objective Airfoil Shape Optimization Study using Mesh Morphing and Response Surface Method,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35(3), pp. 1075-1086, 2021.
- A. Mucci, F.K. Kholi, J. Chatwynd-Chatwin, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “Numerical investigation of flow instability and heat transfer characteristics inside pulsating heat pipes with different numbers of turns,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 169,120934-1 – 120934-18, 2021.
- J. Park, M.Y. Ha, M. Klingsporn, J. Chatwynd-Chatwin, and J.K. Min, “An improved numerical analysis of the transient oil de-congealing process in a heat exchanger under low temperature conditions,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35(1), pp. 391-406, 2021.
- A. Mucci, F.K. Kholi, M.Y. Ha, J.K. Min, P. Beecroft, and J. Chetwynd-Chatwin, “Transient performance analysis of an aero gas turbine Cooled Cooling Air Heat Exchanger,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 142, 111014-1 - 111014-15, 2020.
- J.S. Lee, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A finite-volume based topology optimization procedure for an aero-thermal system with a simplified sensitivity analysis method,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 163, 120524, 2020.
- M. Shim, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study of the mixed convection around slanted-pin fins on a hot plate in vertical and inclined channels,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 118, 104878, 2020.
- H. Kallath, F.K. Kholi, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “Computational study on the aerodynamics of a surface-heated wing for thermal management,” AIAA Journal, 58(10), pp. 4339-4356, 2020.
- F.K. Kholi, A. Mucci, H. Kallath, M.Y. Ha, J. Chetwynd-Chatwin, and J.K. Min, “An improved correlation to predict the heat transfer in pulsating heat pipes over increased range of fluid-filling ratios and operating inclinations,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 34(6), pp. 2637-2646, 2020.
- H.S. Jeong, J.R. Cho, J.K. Min, M.Y. Ha, and S.H. Park, “Influence of geometric variables on the structural characteristics of brazed cross-corrugated sinusoidal plate with secondary corrugation,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33(4), pp.1851-1859, 2019.
- Y.W. Oh, Y.S. Choi, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study on the buoyancy effect around slanted-pin fins mounted on a vertical plate (Part-Ⅱ: Laminar mixed convection),” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132, pp.565-576, 2019.
- Y.W. Oh, Y.S. Choi, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study on the buoyancy effect around slanted-pin fins mounted on a vertical plate (Part-I: Laminar natural convection),” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132, pp.731-744, 2019.
- M. Kim, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study on the aero-thermal performance of a slanted-pin-fin cooler under a high-speed-bypass condition,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 119, pp.791-812, 2018.
- K.H. Lee, M. Kim, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “Numerical study on the influence of flow path shape and temperature profile in an in-line heat exchanger under realistic operational conditions,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 14, pp.15-28, 2018.
- M. Ha, K. Lee, and J.K. Min, “Analysis of heat transfer and flow characteristics of a fuel cooler with slanted fins,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, pp.1349-1365, 2018.
- J. Jang, M.Y. Ha, and J.K. Min, “A numerical study of mixed convection heat transfer from a horizontal circular cylinder with winglet vortex generators,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121, pp.1214-1225, 2018.