- Title: Refrigerator with selective airflow passages between the icemaker and the ice making evaporator
Inventor: A. Tikhonov, J.K. Min, C.-H. Lim and W.J. Yoon
Assignee: Samsung Electronics
Country: US (Application no: 2007-987581)
EP (Application no: 07121518)
KR (Application no: 2006-0120685)
Patent no: US 8132423 (2012.03.13)
EP 1930671 (2008.06.11)
KR 1106644 (2012.01.10) - Title: Refrigerator with air guide duct
Inventor: J.J. Jeong, J.K. Min, Y.P. Park, S.G. Lee, C.H. Lim, I.S. Lee, W.J. Yoon, Y.H. Kim, Y.W. Jung
Assignee: Samsung Electronics
Country: US (Application no: 2007-984308)
EP (Application no: 07121890 )
Patent no: US 7987684 (2011.08.02)
EP 1970656 (2011.08.10) - Title: Ice making device and refrigerator having the same
Inventor: A. Tikhonov, J.K. Min and M.H. Cho
Assignee: Samsung Electronics
Country: US (Application no: 2006-594828)
Patent no: 7762092 (2010.07.27) - Title: An apparatus for refrigeration
Inventor: W.J. Yoon, J.K. Min, Y.P. Park, S.G. Lee, C.H. Lim, J.J. Jeong, I.S. Lee, Y.H. Kim, Y.W. Jung
Assignee: Samsung Electronics
Country: EP (Application no: 08152888 )
KR (Application no: 2007-0014526 )
Patent no: EP 1980806 (2008.10.15)
KR 0774003 (2007.10.31) - Title: Manufacturing method of temperature sensor array on a 3-dimentional curved surface
Inventor: J.S. Go, C.H. Ahn, M.Y. Ha, K. Kim, J.R. Cho, J.H. Jeong, S.H. Park, J.K. Min,
Assignee: Pusan National University
Country: KR (Application no: 2010-0056852 )
Patent no: 1120382 (2012.01.28) - Title: Refrigerator
Inventor: A. Tikhonov, A. Korsnov, J.K. Min, D.N. Ryu, M.H. Cho
Assignee: Samsung Electronics
Country: KR (Application no: 2006-0096207 )
Patent no: 0758325 (2007.09.06)
40+ patents have been filed in KR, US, EP and CN.